Tim Myles is a writer, director and actor. He began his career directing music videos for various labels such as Universal Music and Island Records. His debut short film Little Bird, was made in partnership with imagineNATIVE and Netflix Canada, and premiered at the 2021 Toronto International Film Festival. The film was nominated for an IMDBPro award for best Canadian short film at TIFF. It was named one of ’10 must see Indigenous Films’ during the festival, and Tim was named one of the ‘10 Indigenous Artists in Toronto you should know’ by Blog TO in 2021. His most recent work was second unit directing a spot for Lululemon X Team Canada, which premiered at the 2022 Olympic opening ceremony in Beijing. You can see him in the upcoming Keifer Sutherland crime drama Rabbit Hole, Warner Brothers upcoming biopic series Borje, and the Lifetime thriller Maid to Kill. He is represented by Amanda Rosenthal Talent Agency in Canada.

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